Lanchkhuti city

Lanchkhuti is located in Guria, one of the oldest historical-ethnographic regions of Georgia. It is the south-west of Georgia. The area of the territory is 533 sq. km. Which is 0.98% of the entire territory of Georgia.

The district is surrounded by the Black Sea at about 7 km to the west, it is bordered by the outskirts of Poti, Khobi, Senaki and Abashi districts to the north.

The natural border with these districts mainly follows the coast of Paliastom Lake and Fichor River, the district is bordered by Samtredia and Chokhatauri districts in the east. and Ozurgeti district to the south.

Lanchkhuti, as a fairly rich area, has been attracting the attention of foreigners since ancient times. Travelers from the Mediterranean countries came here and left us interesting information about this side. The very name “Guria” is interesting. Ancient writers called Guria Gorguri.

There is a legend that the horses needed to change their hoseshoe five times before the King Tamar’s expedition arrived in the territory of Lanchkhuti, and according to this, the name of the district is derived from this.